Money back guarantee

Buy more travel money for better prices and don‘t worry about your unspent currency!

Discover all the advantages of our money back guarantee

When we travel abroad, we have many doubts: Where to change my currency? How much to change? What if I change too much? On the other hand, if we change too little money, this too can raise questions: to stay without money and to change again in the destination country, which makes us incur additional expenses, with less advantageous exchange rates...

At Global Exchange we have the solution: our money back guarantee.

Now you can travel with peace of mind knowing that you will have everything you need, with the guarantee that if there is money you don't use, Global Exchange will buy back a percentage of the total amount you changed (the percentage varies depending on the office), up to 50 days later (including the day of the transaction) and at the same price as the original exchange.

Advantages of the money back guarantee

  • More travel money for your trips.
  • We buy back up to 50% of the leftover currency at no cost.
  • Get it at any of our branches in France.
  • Valid up to 50 days since your original transaction.

The money back guarantee is valid at any of our branches in France to exchange up to 50% of the whole amount purchased at the same exchange rate as the initial transaction.

Only applicable in transactions of a certain amount, subject to conditions established in each exchange branch. More information and conditions at branches.

The money back guarantee is only valid for the person who carried out the initial transaction, provided that they submit their ID and original receipt. You will receive your payment in cash. The money back guarantee is only applicable to transactions carried out at our branches and are subject to operating limits. This policy does not affect the Customer’s statutory rights.

Buy more travel money for better rates and relax.

Order online and collect it at the airport

  • Get 40% off
  • Get the currency you need, as much as you need

Save time, save money

  • Ensure your currency exchange
  • Collect and pay in store
  • Save up to 80% vs airport price*

*Price shown online includes up to 80% off compared to standard prices at our branches (discount applied on exchange margin).

I have a discount code

Online money order.

Collect and pay in our branches.

Why change currency with us rather than your bank

    Global Exchange Global Exchange     Your high-street bank
Variety of currencies   We have more than 60 currencies. We are specialists.   Only major currencies. Travel money is just a secondary business for banks.
Availability of currencies   Immediate availability of currencies in our branches. Click and collect.   If they can actually get your exotic currency, prepare for a couple of visits to your bank before you can have the money on your hands.
Expenses   We only charge the exchange rate. If you book online you have the best price.   The bank sets its own margin plus a commission.
Different denominations available   At Global Exchange, you’ll get a variety of banknotes with different denominations, adapted to all your payment needs.   No. Prepare for refusals and complaints in foreign languages when paying with «big» banknotes abroad.
Delivery options   Order online to benefit from a price reduction and collect at the airport.   You will have to visit your bank twice: once to order your currency and wait for it to come. The second visit to collect it.